by Erica Pretty Eagle





A huge thank you/way-we-nah to those who have donated, purchased a shirt, sent me kind words, and all the opportunities that have come to me from this. I wasn't expecting any of this once I created this graphic.

I created this graphic just because I wanted to be of some help in some way, and the only way I know how to do so is through graphic art. As soon as this event happened, I had this visual and began this project. After hours of work and a help of my friend, I posted it on social media with no higher expectations other than to spread awareness to this issue. Within the next couple days, my post was shared over 3,200 times with endless amount of comments, needless to say I was pleasantly surprised. But my goal was reached, I helped spread awareness! I couldn't have done it without any of you.

Yes, the spreadshop website is still active (I haven't had sales since the NoDAPL event ended) but just incase anyone is interested in purchasing a shirt, it's still live. I'm not sure how long I will keep it active, but for now it's still there as of the moment.

With that being said, thank you, again. 

All love,


P.S. My artwork will be showcased in an exhibition in PARIS, France in October!! More info soon.


Erica Moore